i'm jivansh

as of april 2023, i work as a software engineer @Coinvise and am a sophmore @AshokaUniversity . previously i worked as a frontend engineer @ETHIndia @2586Labs , @Devfolio , and @ApniKaksha .
want to know what's up? hit me up on Twitter


The Best First Opportunity OR first-internship

The Best First Opportunity


My experience interning at my dream workplace, leading a product and living the 'startup' life.


Kiba: Remote Code Execution Engine

Capable of handling over 10000 requests per second, Kiba is a fast and secure remote code execution engine.

Elvis: The Music Bot

Used by 300 people daily, Elvis is the only discord bot to support music and moderator commands in Hindi & English.

Followed By

Ever visit a GitHub profile and wonder — hmm, do we know each other? followedby fetches mutual followers right the profile page!